Academic Measures
Math Proficiency
Meet Standard: The school’s proficiency rate is equal to the mean or falls between the mean and one standard deviation above the mean of the identified comparison group.
Math Growth
Meet Standard: The percentage of students in grades 3-8 who did not achieve proficiency on the current year’s assessment but who did make adequate growth towards proficiency is equal to the mean or falls between the mean and one standard deviation above the mean of the identified comparison group, OR the growth rate increased by at least 10% over the previous year.
ELA Proficiency
Meet Standard: The school’s proficiency rate is equal to the mean or falls between the mean and one standard deviation above the mean of the identified comparison group.
ELA Growth
Meet Standard: The percentage of students in grades 3-8 who did not achieve proficiency on the current years’ assessment but who did make adequate growth toward proficiency is equal to the mean or falls between the mean and one standard deviation above the mean of the identified comparison group, OR the growth rate increased by at least 10% over the previous year.
Literacy Proficiency
Meet Standard: The school’s proficiency on the spring administration of the statewide literacy assessment is equal to the mean or within one standard deviation above the mean of the identified comparison group; OR the school’s fall to spring change in proficiency rate is between 10%-19%.
Graduation Rate | 4Yr ACGR
Meet Standard: The school’s 4-Year or 5-Year ACGR is equal to the mean or falls between the mean and one standard deviation above the mean of the identified comparison group.
If a school is identified as an alternative campus, additional measures are included. Please see the performance framework for details. The performance framework details the standards of achievement for each measure.