Public Meetings
Regular meetings of the IPCSC are typically held on the second Thursday of even months (February, April, June, August, October, and December). Committee meetings are held on an as-needed basis. All meetings are open to the public.
Commission Meetings

The IPCSC typically holds regular meetings on the second Thursday of every other month. The commission chair, consulting with members, may reschedule or cancel any meeting. The IPCSC may schedule special meetings by majority vote taken during any regular meeting or by call of the chair.
Committee Meetings

The IPCSC maintains four standing committees: Renewal, Petition, Finance, and Strategic Planning. Committees meet on an as-needed basis. Agendas are posted in advance, and meetings are open to the public. Please contact IPCSC Staff with any questions.
Public Participation

IPCSC meetings are open to the public as outlined in Idaho Open Meetings Law. Multiple opportunities are available for public participation.