Section III – Petition for Transfer of Authorization

Pursuant to Idaho Statute §33-5206(8) and IDAPA

  1. Petition to Transfer Authorization Eligibility
    1. Petitions to transfer authorization of a public charter school’s current Performance Certificate to the IPCSC shall be considered only at regularly scheduled IPCSC meetings.
    2. Petitions to transfer authorization may be submitted to the IPCSC at any time.
    3. The term dates of a public charter school’s Performance Certificate are fixed, and shall not change due to a transfer of authorization.
    4. A petition to transfer authorization shall be eligible for consideration by the IPCSC if both of the following are true:
      1. The public charter school’s governing board has passed a resolution stating its intent to apply for a transfer of authorization; and
      2. The public charter school’s existing authorizer has provided written support of the public charter school’s intent to apply for a transfer of authorization.
    5. A petition to transfer authorization shall not be eligible for submission if:
      1. The petition to transfer authorization has been denied by the IPCSC within the previous 90 days; or
      2. Either the public charter school’s governing board or the public charter school’s current authorizer do not wish to pursue the transfer.
  2. Petition to Transfer Authorization Submission Requirements
    1. Initial petitions to transfer authorization must include the following:
      1. A petition narrative as described in Section II.C.2 of these policies; and
      2. The school’s current-year board-approved annual budget; and
      3. The school’s most recent financial audit; and
      4. Written notification from the existing authorizer indicating that it agrees to the pursuit of a transfer of authorization; and
      5. The school’s existing Performance Certificate, including the Performance Framework, and any other applicable appendices or conditions.
    2. Final petition to transfer authorization must also include the following:
      1. The proposed IPCSC Performance Certificate, including the Performance Framework, as applicable to the public charter school under IPCSC authorization; and
      2. Written confirmation from the school’s existing authorizer that it has reviewed the materials included in the final submission, particularly the proposed Performance Certificate, and agrees to the transfer of authorization.
  3. Petition to Transfer Authorization Evaluation Timeline
    1. Within thirty (30) days of submission, IPCSC staff will provide to the petitioner:
      1. A Petition Evaluation Report outlining any concerns with regard to the IPCSC’s Standards of Quality; and
      2. A draft Performance Certificate, as applicable to the public charter school under IPCSC authorization.
    2. A hearing shall be scheduled within twelve (12) weeks of the original submission date.
    3. The IPCSC will issue a decision to approve or deny the petition to transfer authorization at the scheduled hearing.
    4. If approved, the transfer of authorization shall be effective on the following July 1st.
    5. Denials may be appealed to the State Board of Education, pursuant to I.C. ⸹ 33-5209A.